Digital Photo Restorations

Time can take its toll on different photographs in a variety of ways. Our experience enables us to handle the repair of all manner of imperfections.

We can also work from your own scan if the quality is sufficient but for the best results, we recommend sending the original where possible.

Restoration services offered:
Repairing scratches, tears and creases
Restoring faded photographs
Mending torn-up photos
Recreating missing parts
Remove mould, spotting & stain damage
Fixing pictures stuck to glass
Enlarging & enhancing small images

Photo Size

A small photo won’t need as much work as a large one so the size of the photo or the amount of enlargement required is a factor. A big enlargement will enlarge flaws you wouldn’t normally see that will need attention.

Amount of Damage

The amount of the photo that is damaged. A clean tear will be simpler than a large amount of creasing and staining. Our main technique (to put it simply) relies on “painting” damaged parts with good areas. The less “good parts” the longer it will take.

Damaged Detail

The amount of detail in the damaged areas of the photo is a factor. A crease across a plain sky is straightforward. A tear across a large group picture is not. Damage to the eyes is particularly time consuming as they are a critical part where our view immediately goes when looking at someone

Hidden Damage

Heavily faded photos require a large enhancement to revive the contrast. This also “enhances” any flaws and damage so there may be more work involved than initially thought. Often on faded colour photos the colour information is too damaged to revive so colour tinting work would be required.